Ubuntu 14.04 wallpaper proposed approach


Field at sunset by Brent Haase

It’s getting to that time again. The next release of the Ubuntu desktop is under development and I’d like to propose that we get cracking on finding some fantastic backdrops to go into the release.

This time I thought it would be good to specify some theme or common thread to help this set of wallpapers to feel like they work together. To that end, I’d suggest that we kick this cycle off with a meeting on IRC where we discuss some ideas and pull together a creative brief. Here’s how it might work.

Friday 7 Feb 2014 – Meeting on #1404wallpaper on Freenode at 19:30 GMT. Everyone is welcome and we talk about what we think might make a good theme or central idea to approach this set of wallpapers.

I’d also like to discuss how we host these. Flickr has worked great for us the last few years but I’d like to make sure we’re all still happy using it.

Monday 10 Feb 2014 – kick off submissions process in blog post using what was discussed on the 7th as the basis and start sharing around the place to encourage as many entries as we can.

The schedule for this release is on the wiki – https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule and by my reckoning we should be safe to hit the UI freeze if we close for entries on March 5th. That’ll give us a few days to sort out the entries, get the high res versions prepped and get the files on Launchpad – https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers/+bug/1275798

If you have any questions you can find me on Freenode in #1404wallpaper, come and say hi!