Day 7 – Alarming alarm charge niggle


battery charging on the 301


I first saw this the other morning when I charged the phone for the first time and it’s a pretty cool idea. Your device is telling you that your charger doesn’t need to be constantly attached. It’s like someone was given the time to sit and think about how something was being used, and where, this phone is mostly being used in places where people are watching their bills a bit more closely than the bloated west. We tend to think about lights and fridges when we think about where we can save on electricity, not that wall wart that keeps our phone alive.

The niggle came this morning. I turned my phone off over night as it wakes up to wake me up and has also shown me a nice top tip where it suggested I let my “phone sleep when you do”. Neat and power saving so why not.

I had made a lot of calls yesterday though so I plugged it in while it was off and this morning at 7am it turned itself on but didn’t do the alarm because it was busy telling me I could unplug it as it was charged.

Pretty big fail, really but it’s the first and I can work around it because there’s so long between charges and they are over so quickly. I’m also willing to work around it because this little device has a bit of personality about it. I like the top tips and that they make me want to respond to them.

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